- 9 min read
OCI Terraform/OKE project

Intro to OCI’s OKE service Today, we are going to learn how to automate the deployment of OCI’s OKE which is a managed kubernetes service that allows you to operate production level kubernetes. OCI is Oracle’s cloud infrastructure offering which offers infrastructure as a service, software as a service, and platform as a service for primarily enterprise level customers. OCI’s OKE allows you to ensure reliability and high availability for both the control plane and the worker nodes.
Kubernetes brief
Kubernetes is a powerful platform that helps to manage and orchestrate containerized applications by providing APIs that allow the engineer to deploy, maintain, and scale publications. Containerized application architecture allows engineering teams to develop and deploy their applications by separating them into scalable modules and helps them work in smaller, more agile teams. Before containers, engineers typically deployed one application on one virtual machine because of the difficulties associated with different dependency versions. Containers allow us to isolate the dependencies of an application from other containers running in the same environment. This allows us to run several different applications on one virtual machine instead of The fundamental architecture of a Kubernetes Cluster is very complex so we will focus on simplifying it. Essentially we have worker nodes and master nodes. The master node is also known as the control plane that facilitates the worker node by scheduling, monitoring, and starting/restarting the nodes/pods.
Terraform brief While we can simply use the OCI console to set up and define kubernetes clusters, this article will focus on using terraform to automate the provision and management of kubernetes. Terraform configuration is easy to understand, simplifies the management of multi-tier infrastructure, and works well with both cloud infrastructure and on-prem infrastructure. Terraform allows us to keep track of our infrastructure in a state file and utilizes this state file as the most correct current state of your infrastructure. We can easily use version control with terraform to collaborate across our team since the configuration is written in a file.
Basic Terraform workflow Terraform Init initializes the working directory, initializes the downloads and installs the provider’s plugin so that it can be used later. The write command allows us to define the resources we need and the changes we want to make to them. The terraform plan command compares the planned terraform state with the current state. This command allows us to check whether the execution plan includes changes from the current state to the desired state. The terraform apply command actually applies the changes in the execution plan to achieve the desired state of the configuration.
Getting our hands dirty Now we can begin the actual development. First, we need to prepare by installing Terraform, creating RSA keys, Add List Policies, and Gather the required information:
We can check the terraform version utilizing the terraform -v then we create a directory for our terraform scripts. Next, we have to generate RSA keys using the openssl rsa and openssl genrsa commands. Finally, we need authentication information to authenticate the terraform scripts. This information consists of the region, Tenancy OCID, User OCID, and Fingerprint. Finally, we will focus on automating a simple OKE cluster in one region. Our Architecture will look like this
In this section, we will create the provider-tf directory and create a file called The following code snippet shows how to do this
Mkdir provider-tf
cd provider-tf
The script will allow us to grab the availability domains from our current compartment. Availability domains are a set of data centers within an OCI region. A region can have multiple ADs with separate support resources. The domains are typically connected via a low-latency network to allow for fast inter-region data transmission. The following code snippet has the actual terraform code to grab a list of availability domains from our compartments.
data "oci_identity_availability_domains" "ads" {
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
Now we can start with creating the VCN that our OKE cluster is going to reside in. A VCN is a private network that you set up in Oracle data centers. It has subnets, firewall rules, internet gateway route rules, local peering gateways, route tables and more.
#source from
module "vcn"{
source = "oracle-terraform-modules/vcn/oci"
version = "3.1.0"
# insert the 5 required variables here
# Required Inputs
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
region = "us-ashburn-1"
internet_gateway_route_rules = null
local_peering_gateways = null
nat_gateway_route_rules = null
# Optional Inputs
vcn_name = "vcn-module"
vcn_dns_label = "vcnmodule"
vcn_cidrs = [""]
create_internet_gateway = true
create_nat_gateway = true
create_service_gateway = true
Here we set up a Private Security List. A security list is a virtual firewall with ingress and egress rules that allow specific network traffic in and out.
#source from
resource "oci_core_security_list" "private-security-list"{
# Required
compartment_id ="ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
# Optional
display_name = "security-list-for-private-subnet"
egress_security_rules {
stateless = false
destination = ""
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
protocol = "all"
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from TCP is 6
protocol = "6"
tcp_options {
min = 22
max = 22
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from ICMP is 1
protocol = "1"
# For ICMP type and code see:
icmp_options {
type = 3
code = 4
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from ICMP is 1
protocol = "1"
# For ICMP type and code see:
icmp_options {
type = 3
Here we set up a private subnet. A subnet is a logical division of a virtual cloud network and consists of a range of addresses. This range of addresses is determined by CIDR blocks.
#source from
resource "oci_core_subnet" "vcn-private-subnet"{
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
cidr_block = ""
route_table_id = module.vcn.nat_route_id
security_list_ids = []
display_name = "private-subnet"
In the following snippet, we create a public-security-list #Source from
resource "oci_core_security_list" "public-security-list"{
# Required
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
# Optional
display_name = "security-list-for-public-subnet"
egress_security_rules {
stateless = false
destination = ""
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
protocol = "all"
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from TCP is 6
protocol = "6"
tcp_options {
min = 22
max = 22
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from ICMP is 1
protocol = "1"
# For ICMP type and code see:
icmp_options {
type = 3
code = 4
ingress_security_rules {
stateless = false
source = ""
source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Get protocol numbers from ICMP is 1
protocol = "1"
# For ICMP type and code see:
icmp_options {
type = 3
In the the below snippet, we create a public subnet.
#source from
resource "oci_core_subnet" "vcn-public-subnet"{
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
cidr_block = ""
route_table_id = module.vcn.ig_route_id
security_list_ids = []
display_name = "public-subnet"
Now we can create our cluster and we can name it Practice Cluster.
resource "oci_containerengine_cluster" "oke-cluster" {
# Required
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
kubernetes_version = "v1.25.4"
name = "PracticeCluster"
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
options {
is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled = false
is_tiller_enabled = false
kubernetes_network_config {
pods_cidr = ""
services_cidr = ""
service_lb_subnet_ids = []
Now we can begin to set up our node-pool. A node-pool is a group of nodes within a cluster that all have the same config. Now that we have our node pool created, let’s write the terraform to create our actual cluster.
#source from
resource "oci_containerengine_cluster" "oke-cluster" {
# Required
compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaz362qxneyuw7vialsglurkwrr47aa55dmqctpb42tlcppcto5y6q"
kubernetes_version = "v1.25.4"
name = "PracticeCluster"
vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
options {
is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled = false
is_tiller_enabled = false
kubernetes_network_config {
pods_cidr = ""
services_cidr = ""
service_lb_subnet_ids = []
Here we set up our which would allow us to print details about our resources and export the details to variables which we can then use in further terraform scripts #Output the “list” of all availability domains.
output "all-availability-domains-in-your-tenancy" {
value =
# Outputs for the vcn module
output "vcn_id" {
description = "OCID of the VCN that is created"
value = module.vcn.vcn_id
output "id-for-route-table-that-includes-the-internet-gateway"{
description = "OCID of the internet-route table. This route tablet has an internet gateway to be used for public subnets"
value = module.vcn.ig_route_id
output "id-for-for-route-table-that-includs-the-nat-gateway" {
description = "OCID of the nat-route table - this route table has a nat gateway to be used for private subnets. This route table also has a service gateway."
value = module.vcn.nat_route_id
output "public-security-list-name" {
value = oci_core_security_list.public-security-list.display_name
output "public-security-list_OCID"{
value =
output "private-security-list-name" {
value = oci_core_security_list.private-security-list.display_name
output "private-security-list-OCID" {
value =
output "private-subnet-name" {
value = oci_core_subnet.vcn-private-subnet.display_name
output "private-subnet-OCID"{
value =
#Outputs for public subnet
output "public-subnet-name" {
value = oci_core_subnet.vcn-public-subnet.display_name
output "public-subnet-OCID" {
value =
Now that we’ve written our terraform scripts we can start running the commands to provision our infrastructure. To provision the cluster, we have to initialize the modules, provider plugins, and the backend that we defined in our scripts. Run the following command:
terraform init
Once we’ve run the init command we can check the configuration file using the following command.
terraform validate
We can then run the command to see our plan for the resources we want to create.
terraform plan
Finally, we provision the resources using the terraform apply command.
terraform apply
In this article, we focused on developing terraform scripts that allow us to provision OKE clusters on Oracle cloud infrastructure. However, this is a very basic architecture that doesn’t ensure a highly available and highly resilient system. In the next edition of this series, we will focus on adding redundancy and reliability to our cloud architecture.